Tony's Termites and Pest Control Gold Coast. Call Tony Now
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It is only when the natural habitat of possums (cavities of trees) is disturbed that they move into your roof - often via a broken tile.
When in the roof areas possums can:
In Australia, possums are protected under legislation and require conservation. When they make their home in the roof space they need to be safely removed by humanely trapping them, sealing up the openings and relocating them by a qualified person.
If you've got pests... we've got solutions".
Tony Casey
Like all other native animals, possums are protected under the Wildlife Act 1975. They must not be harmed in any way or retained without an authority from the Dept. of Conservation and Environment.
Under natural conditions, the Common Brushtail Possum makes its den in a tree hollow. In urban areas, the lack of trees means it often adopts the space in accessible house roofs. The Common Ringtail Possum usually builds a nest of dry twigs and leaves in dense foliage a few metres above the ground and seldom enters roof areas.
The Brushtail has a single young born in autumn or spring. It spends 5-6 months developing in the pouch, 1-2 months on its mother's back until weaned and leaves the den at 7-16 months.
The Ringtail has 1-3 young during autumn or winter. They leave the pouch after 4 months and spend another 2 months either in the nest or carried on the mother's back until weaned.
We can help with the removal of possums through harmless and safe methods.
A more effective termite protection zone that can leave your home looking just as it did before.